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Chavin Zero Alcohol-Free Rosé: A Summer Selection by Grazia

Chavin Zero Alcohol-Free Rosé: A Summer Selection by Grazia

A Refreshing Touch for Your Alcohol-Free Summers As summer is in full swing, we are proud to announce that our Chavin Zero Vin De France Rosé, alcohol-free, has been spotlighted by Grazia magazine. In a recent article, Grazia selected our non-alcoholic rosé as a...
Pierre Zéro Spritz: The Non-Alcoholic Beverage Winning Media Acclaim

Pierre Zéro Spritz: The Non-Alcoholic Beverage Winning Media Acclaim

At Chavin, we are delighted to see the growing enthusiasm for our Pierre Zéro Spritz. This innovative non-alcoholic cocktail has recently been highlighted by several renowned media outlets, showcasing its exceptional quality and refined taste. Here’s a roundup of the...
CHAVIN: Spotlight on viàOccitanie

CHAVIN: Spotlight on viàOccitanie

Last night, in a broadcast aired on the viàOccitanie network, the founder and CEO of CHAVIN, Mathilde Boulachin, captured viewers’ attention by sharing the inspiring story of this iconic brand. For 14 years now, CHAVIN has established itself as the undisputed...